So… On our road to be the best creatives we can be (insert enthusiastic fist pump here) we were learning to actually write the briefs that we’d eventually be working from. Essentially learning how to be an account planers which funnily enough would be beneficial to helping creating better creative work, weird huh. Our brief was to write a brief then work off it. A brief within a brief; (*whispers) inception. You’ve probably deduced by now with your great powers of observation that it was on Palmers Cocoa Butter, clap for your self.

We found out that the majority of White 30+ males just don’t moisturise, so we wanted to get them to do that daily. How you ask. Our insight was men don’t care about themselves, but they do care what women think of them. After speaking to a lot of females we learnt that when they kiss their partners if he has stubble or not fully grown facial hair it gives them rashes on the face, which they don’t like . Get men to moisturise daily, by encouraging the women to buy it for them and the man can add it as an extra step to his shaving process. Sweet.



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